Tetra Tech has supported Patriot Renewables and its subsidiaries for more than a decade with environmental permitting services to develop and operate four wind energy facilities in Maine.
The State of Maine’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) requires 80 percent of energy generated in the state to come from renewable resources by 2030, with 100 percent by 2050. To help meet this requirement, Tetra Tech has navigated Patriot Renewables from siting through compliance for four wind energy projects in Maine totaling 136 megawatts (MW). Spruce Mountain Wind, Canton Mountain Wind, and Saddleback Ridge Wind are operational, and the proposed Western Maine Renewable Energy Project is in development.
- 136 MW of clean energy contributing to Maine’s RPS
- 3 wind projects permitted and in operation
- 1 wind project in development
- More than 75 technical assessments and natural resource surveys performed
- Interactive GIS story book developed for presentations at virtual meetings
Tetra Tech’s comprehensive support to Patriot Renewables includes:
- Providing support for siting, design, resource assessment, and impact and mitigation assessment
- Managing the permitting and compliance processes
- Coordinating with regulatory agencies
- Managing GIS data and conveying data-rich technical information to stakeholders in an accessible web-based format
- Conducting technical assessments to determine shadow flicker, sound, and visual impacts
- Performing natural resource surveys, including avian radar, vernal pools, and wetlands to provide critical baseline data for designing projects that avoid, minimize, or mitigate environmental impacts
Tetra Tech’s ability to adapt to unexpected challenges, anticipate regulatory constraints, and leverage our technical expertise associated with wind energy development has enabled us to advance our client’s goals for these wind energy projects and contribute to Maine’s RPS for more than a decade.
Tetra Tech has conducted many of our environmental studies and provided permitting assistance in a diligent, professional, and timely manner.
Todd Presson, Patriot Renewables CEO
Learn more about this project by viewing our interactive GIS story book.