Civil Infrastructure

Infrastructure and civil design features are critical elements of any solid waste facility, but are often overlooked unless they are causing a problem. We have more than 30 years of experience designing civil features at solid waste, commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities. Tetra Tech’s solid waste engineers help clients implement the proper layout and design to provide easy and safe access, proper stormwater management to prevent flooding, necessary site utilities, and local planning and zoning compliance. Our designs maximize the assets of specific sites and address requirements for roadways, traffic circulation, stormwater controls, buildings, and operational support facilities.
Our design, permitting, and construction management solutions help clients maximize operational and asset efficiency, profit, safety, and durability. At the County of Orange’s Prima Deshecha Landfill in San Juan Capistrano, California, Tetra Tech designed a major reconfiguration of the site’s entrance facilities to improve traffic queuing, optimize fee collection, and reduce visual impacts on local residential communities. We also designed a stormwater management plan and infrastructure accommodating climate change considerations at Moose Creek Landfill in Ontario, Canada.

Site Design Engineering
Tetra Tech incorporates expert site design engineering on all facility components, from the entrance through all ancillary structures and components. We help our clients optimize operational efficiency, minimize capital investment while complying with regulatory compliance requirements, and then craft an integrated design with civil elements to support those goals.
- Preliminary planning and cost estimating
- Regulatory permitting and coordination
- Grading and site utilities design
- Site circulation, parking, and roadway design
- Fee collection, administration, maintenance, and storage buildings
- Land use applications and planning
- Construction management and construction quality assurance

Surface Water Management Design
We offer innovative ways to maximize the operational flexibility of the facility while complying with regulatory requirements. Our efficient and effective surface water management system design, construction management, and maintenance services maintains the integrity of surrounding bodies of water.
- Hydrologic evaluations and hydraulic design
- Drainage and surface water management studies
- Erosion control planning
- Stormwater permit compliance, such as Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Floodplain delineations and floodway encroachment studies
- Stormwater pollution prevention plans

Environmental Engineering
Tetra Tech’s infrastructure team incorporates sustainable design features that make efficient use of scarce resources and protect the local environment. We focus on proper design and engineering of ancillary landfill environmental monitoring components to prevent negative effects on the environment or human health and welfare.
- Spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plans
- Due diligence investigations and reporting
- Groundwater sampling, compliance, and consulting services
- Air sampling, compliance, and consulting services
- Remedial investigations and consulting services
Connect with us. Reach out to our integrated solid waste solutions experts.